Since this adoption came upon up so quickly we will be doing some super quick fund raising.
We are teaming with some great partners and I will blog about all opportunities to help us over the next couple of days sharing how everyone can help. We will have some online giving options for our friends and family members who live outside of Columbus as well as a super fun night of painting at Christ Community Church on April 28th for a Canvas and Coffee. We will also be selling coffee and who knows what else we come up with to raise the money we need!!
We did a whirlwind trip to Florida this past week to see some family and friends as well as the kids birth mom and to go to a doctors appt and ultrasound. On Saturday we drove to Joe's dad's house and spent the night. Clara and Cooper love their Pop Pop and got to go swimming and love visiting with the people in the village. Sunday morning we left Pop Pop's house to go to Cooper City, FL to visit with some wonderful friends who we met when we lived in AZ. Its always such a sweet time watching our kids playing together and enjoying time to catch up. It truly renews my spirit when we get to spend time together. Monday morning we drove north to the Boca Raton area so I could go to a doctor's appt with K. It was so good to see her. We haven't had much time to visit so it was good to see her and see how well she's doing and how the babies are doing. We all went out to eat on Monday night and Clara and Cooper loved visiting and eating with K. Tuesday morning was our chance to see the babies with a 3D/4D ultrasound. We confirmed we had a girl and we are pretty sure we have a boy. Its so funny because with Clara and Cooper we had confirmation that we had a boy and weren't sure we had a girl. It was so great to see these 28 week old babies! Strong heart beats and very active....makes my heart so full!
We will be posting more as things move closer to her due date.
Please pray for us and this journey. Especially for K and these babies.
Peace and blessings to you all!
Karen and Joe