Most of you who know me, know that I'm a hugely independent person. I was raised to take care of myself. Surgery can sometimes take that independence away from you. I have been so humbled and have felt so loved over the last few weeks. Today is 2 weeks ago that I had surgery. Having surgery where you are told you can't lift anything over 8-10 lbs, you can't clean, you can't drive, makes someone like me crazy. Mentally I know why, physically I know why...but it still makes me crazy that I can't do for myself.
I am feeling really good. I'm not having much pain, I'm just super tired. The smallest things make me feel like I must fall asleep.
I have felt so loved during this time at home. My sweet and amazing mom came and stayed with us for a week to take care of me. I think we should call her the secret weapon. I laugh and told my wonderful doctor that when Joe tells me to do something, I take it as a suggestion...when mom says the same thing...its how things are going to be! So having her here to take care of me in that first week was awesome. She would "remind" me to sit down and let someone else do things like only a mom can do!
Joe has been amazing. He has gone above and beyond making sure that I am watching what I'm doing and making sure everything is done and taken care of so I don't have to sit and worry about things. He has been so incredible and just makes me love him so much more everyday!
My friends are GREAT! The have brought food, drinks, etc over and came to just visit or gone out to eat so I don't go stir crazy! Its such a true blessing to know how kind and loving people are when you are unable to do things on your own.
You may be asking why a side of duck tape.....
As I am feeling better Joe is going to need a few rolls to tape my stubborn behind down and keep me from doing too much!
And for an adoption update:
We are moving forward and are having lots of traffic with our profile.
God is good and we will be matched in His time!
Peace and Blessings to all!
P. S......I know that the correct term is Duct Tape....Duck Tape is a brand of Duct Tape that comes in fun colors etc....and if anything...I want to be fun! :)